Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ready to Run

Well, the weather hasn't exactly been cooperating lately. The water is down and hopefully the snow is done. Saturday, meet at the White Bridge, 8:00 a.m. Starting in March, Mac is going to try and meet us there on Saturday mornings, so we can all try out the new racing chips. Should be fun. Remember the next meeting is planned on March 9th, and then there will be one more before the race on April 18th. We are in need of volunteers for registration, food table, aid station, and finish line, etc. If you have friends or family interested please contact myself or Mac. You can leave a comment too. Happy running, hope your training is going well.

Friday, February 13, 2009

High Water

Well, with the River Greenway being flooded, we need to move the meeting spot for the group run this Saturday morning. We will go ahead and meet at Kunkle Lake at 8:00 a.m. That is the first parking lot inside the State Park. If someone finds out exactly when the State Park starts charging, please comment.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chris Brown

Well tomorrow is the Run It, Walk It for Chris Brown at IPFW. It looks like the weather will be great for it. There are no watches allowed since it is a prediction run making it a fun, enjoyable race for everyone. Leave a comment if you plan on going or did go to let us know how it went.

Speaking of comments, it would be really appreciated if people left comments so we knew if anybody was paying attention to the blog. Everyone is welcome to comment and leave feedback on the blog, or ideas for other posts, etc.

Remember, the Club is meeting on Saturday mornings, the White Bridge at 8:00 am for group runs. If that works into your schedule, great! I know the Club isn't very big and most people are at different paces, but meeting as a group is still neat. A few minutes of chit chat to help us get to know each other and then everyone can take off at their own pace. A few of us met this morning to run and are looking forward to seeing more people out as the weather gets nicer.

Also, a reminder that the Club meeting is this coming Monday at 7:00 pm at FPC. The chip timers have come in and there is more to discuss about the training run on April 18th. See you then.